Guy Gerber’s Mirror Games and Rumors suspended amidst rape allegation

It’s pretty safe to say that this has not been a good week if your name is Guy Avraham Gerber. An allegation was made last weekend by Mavi De Mars that the 47-year old DJ who comes from Israel raped her in Greece in 2013. Subsequently, Gerber himself issued a statement on his social media pages earlier this week strongly denying the allegation – and confirming he was taking legal action in response.

Ears To The House understands that Gerber has instructed Jaime Campaner Muñoz – a Spanish lawyer who graduated top of the class in law at the University of the Balearic Islands. He also teaches criminal procedural law and criminal law at the same university as well as being a professor at professor at Higher Institute of Law and Economics in Madrid, and the International University of La Rioja.

All this is on top of his work at his firm, Campaner Law – a busy man indeed. In the meantime, Island Hospitality Group have announced that Gerber’s Mirror Games and Rumors are both being suspended “by mutual agreement” until this matter has been concluded.

The suspension is likely to cost both Gerber, Club Chinois, Beachouse and Island Hospitality Group a considerable amount of money – but sources in Ibiza are telling us they felt “they had little other choice with all this going on”.

Gerber denies the allegations against him.

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