The drinks are on Sacha Lord in one Manchester venue today…

On this rather gloomy looking Sunday morning, you might be working out what you’re going to do with your day. You may fancy spending the day with your children, or perhaps your partner. You could choose to visit some family or friends. Or you could be like us at Ears To The House – hard at work scrutinising the dance music scene even on a weekend.

If you’re Sacha Lord, however, you spend your day doing the same as you do every other day – namely trying to find something that appears philanthropic whilst also making himself look as good as possible in the process. And that particular thing on this Sunday involves one thing only – and this would be going to the pub.

Now how does that make him look good, you ask? Well, let us explain. Lord is going to visit ten different pubs in the ten boroughs of Manchester over the next few weeks – it’s to thank people for supporting hospitality over the pandemic, he claims. And for one hour only in those pub lucky enough (or unlucky enough, depending on how you see it) to get a visit, the drinks are on the multi-millionaire Sacha Lord…

It all starts today at the Adelphi Lads Club in Salford between 5pm and 6pm, with other venues set to follow soon – which will all, in typical Lord fashion, be first revealed on his Twitter account. So if you’re in Manchester and fancy a free pint, there’s somewhere for you to get one today.

We’re more the copious amounts of coffee to see us through the day types here at Ears To The House

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