Nastia doesn’t hold back on ‘Off The Record’ documentary

Here at Ears To The House, we make no secret of the fact we quite like Nastia. The Ukrainian DJ – real name Anastasia Topolskaia – is one of few in the world of touring DJs who seems to have any principles whatsoever which aren’t along the lines of how much money they can make this week.

In a world where most of its biggest DJs would have no issue accepting a gig for Kim Jong-un, she is something of a breath of fresh air. Which is why when we found out she was going to appear on Off The Record, a documentary courtesy of Beatport, we were immediately interested.

As is normal on Ears To The House, we wanted to tell you what we think – then you can decide for yourselves. In short, we thought this was an extremely well-produced documentary where Nastia came across as very genuine. The pain which she feels at seeing her home country being viciously attacked by Russia comes across all too clearly – quite how the likes of Nina Kraviz continues to justify her silence on this subject is even more baffling now.

You can see it for yourselves here…

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