Tim Westwood now accused of sex with 14-year old

The various allegations of sexual misconduct by Tim Westwood first emerged back in April of this year – just a few weeks ahead of this site’s relaunch as Ears To The House. We weren’t remotely surprised to see the accusations being made, having first been made aware of rumours about Westwood’s behaviour back in 2020.

At the time, no less than seven different women had accused Westwood of predatory behaviour in a joint investigation between The Guardian newspaper and the BBC. The earliest allegation went back to 1992 – infact, all the accusations cover his time of 19 years at BBC Radio 1 starting in 1994. And as far as we’ve been able to establish, all of the women making these claims about Westwood are black.

Today, this already murky case got a whole lot worse – with a new allegation that Westwood started having sex with a woman when she was just 14 years old. If true, this would potentially mean Westwood has broken the law – Britain’s age of consent is 16, and very few legal defences exist for doing so.

This was part of an entirely new batch of allegations against Westwood – but it’s the reaction from the man himself which is different this time. When the first claims emerged in April, Westwood’s lawyer denied the allegations and said they were defamatory – yet as far as Ears To The House can establish, neither organisation has since been subject to any legal action over the matter.

This time around, no response was received when The Guardian and the BBC offered him the right to reply. Quite why Westwood isn’t so keen to rebuke the latest set of allegations is not something we’re going to speculate on, other than to say it seems odd.

What’s safer to state, however, is that Capital Xtra is highly unlikely to be inviting Westwood back on the air any time in the immediate future…

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