Are drones in nightclubs really the next big thing?

Just when you wonder where nightclubs are going to do next, they continuously leave you stumped. The heady days of 1980s illegal raves are a long gone memory for many, and that spirit of living in the moment has faded too. And some of what exists now is just plain odd.

But this is one development even we at Ears To The House didn’t quite expect. A friend of this site sent us this Instagram video of footage taken from the Hï Ibiza nightclub. It shows a DJ called Fisher playing something not terribly interesting when they spot another person who’s brought a drone into the club – as you do, naturally.

Here’s the footage itself. Do try and bear with it – we recommend watching it with the sound off…

There’s no real consensus at Ears To The House HQ over our thoughts on this – and we suspect the opinions of you, our wonderful readers, may also be. Our editor seems to think the idea is “stupid” and “just an accident waiting to happen” whilst the rest of the team believe this might be a glimpse of the future – especially at outdoor festivals, where there’s basically less for the drone to bump into.

Obviously, it’s worth pointing out in this case safety has been considered – the post description clearly (and rightly) emphasises customised “full protection of props in all sides (no chance to cut)”. But all the same, it might be best to leave these kinds of practices to the professionals.

And the one thing we do agree on? Mainly that the music is rubbish…

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