Defected are looking for new blood in A&R department…

There seem to a few changes afoot at Defected right now. Last week, their A&R manager Adrienne Bookbinder confirmed that she was leaving in August – posting a long thread on her Twitter account filled with pictures of her with the hoi polloi of house music.

And just as Bookbinder announces she’s off, this vacancy appears on LinkedIn. Whilst it’s not exactly clear whether this is Bookbinder’s soon to be old job being advertised – she’s currently listed as Defected’s A&R and Publishing Manager – it might be an interesting opportunity for someone out there.

Responsibilities include “locating and signing new talent for recordings that also dovetails into our events business” – so if you’ve ever wondered why most of the acts they sign also perform at their events, now you know – and “managing the relationship between the artist/management & the rest of the record label internally”. Meaning you basically get it in the neck if a Defected artist ever went public with grievances against the label.

To get the job, it’s essential you’ve done A&R before – because Simon Dunmore is simply too busy before he retires as a touring DJ to show you the ropes. You also have to be “able to develop strong professional relationships”, understand “recordings / song publishing rights” and “be a team player”. So how much money does someone working for Defected’s A&R department get?

Sadly, you won’t find the answer in this job description. Like many things within the Defected empire, this number remains a closely guarded secret…


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