Derrick May isn’t happy he’s not in Radio 4 techno documentary…

Earlier this week, the Ash Lauryn narrated documentary Techno: A Social History aired on Radio 4, of all places. The editor-in-chief at Ears To The House helpfully provided his opinion, which was sharp and on the money – but we’re obviously going to say that, aren’t we?

One person, however, who reportedly isn’t happy about the documentary is Derrick May himself. As our editor pointed out on Wednesday, the documentary effectively paused briefly to explain the situation with May. That situation being he wouldn’t be appearing due to “multiple sex abuse allegations from multiple sources, which he denies”.

According to a very reliable Detroit source – whose story was later verified to us by a second reliable Detroit source – May is supposed to have told friends he sees the whole thing as “a snub” and “it shows a lack of respect for me and my achievements”. And he also came dangerously close to suggesting racism was at play!

According to our source, “Derrick said he wouldn’t get treated like this in a country like America, and that he’s only being excluded because the documentary was being put out in England. It’s almost like he was subtly trying to say the English were racist – a f***ing weird thing for a guy who got more love in the UK than almost anywhere else for years to say.”.

If true, it wouldn’t be the first time May has resorted to playing the race card. When the first batch of sex abuse allegations emerged in September 2020, he spoke about the “about “weaponisation” of “the sexuality of African American men” – whilst also failing to explicitly deny the many accusations which were published.

As our second source concluded “If Derrick thinks he’s being deprived his voice, it’s because he failed to do anything when those accusations about him went into the press. He doesn’t seem ready to accept his share of the blame, though.”…

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