Dinner and music by Tony Humphries? We’re listening…

Regular readers of Ears To The House might recall a story we published in January – we do, and even thinking about it makes us feel hungry. It was about how you could have spent New Year’s Eve eating Genoese focaccia and lamb tacos whilst listening to a playlist curated by DJ Tennis – and all for $200!

Well, it turns out he isn’t the only one to catch onto this trend of turning up where diners are. Very, very long-time DJ and producer Tony Humphries has now got in on the act – and will be playing “curated music” at the Sí Sí, a Mediterranean restaurant in New York state’s East Hampton.


We do like our food at Ears To The House – so what will diners get? To the very best of our knowledge, Humphries was never a chef before embarking on a DJ career, so he isn’t doing a Tennis and creating the menu. Nor, as far as we know, is he going to be in the kitchen prepping and cooking dinner for guests. It looks like he’ll be sticking strictly to playing music.

Dishes on the menu include crispy olives and charred lemon, an octopus with artichoke and a paprika vinaigrette and crispy duck with melon and a ginger vinaigrette. In the meantime, desserts include delights such as a coconut pannacotta, orange cheesecake and sticky toffee pudding – and no, we wouldn’t turn down a bottle of 2017 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti La Tache at $3800 per bottle either.

Sounds like a delicious evening will be had by all…

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