The USA voted to keep birth control legal – and one DJ is happy…

Abortion appears to have once again become an issue at the forefront of US politics recently, with the Supreme Court deciding laws on this subject should be created by the states themselves rather than nationally. And during the week, a vote took place in the House of Representatives in response.

The bill passed by 228 votes to 195 and protects access to contraception – but with only eight out of 211 Republicans backing it and the Senate still to clear, it remains uncertain whether this legislation will ultimately succeed. But it seems one of the younger touring DJs appears to have already made his mind up.

Talking to a group of his fellow touring DJs in Ibiza on Friday, their discussion took an unusual turn into politics – where the question of the birth control vote came up. One of the DJs present is alleged to have told the group he was “very pleased” at the news. So why was he pleased? Was it because Americans would continue to have access to contraception to allow them to make smart choices?

Er, not exactly. According to a source who heard the entire conversation, his explanation was “Do you have any idea how many f***ing kids I’d have without contraception? Women f***ing throw themselves at me – and you guys know it’s true cos it happens to you as well – and I’m not gonna say no. There might come a day when I don’t get p***y anymore, so I’m taking everything every chance I get. If the States banned contraception, I’d be f***ed!”.

Cue much laughter from his fellow touring DJ pals, whose views on women are also equally questionable…

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