Whilst the market for Derrick May himself has somewhat dried up in recent years – multiple sexual abuse allegations often have that effect – there’s still plenty of money to be made on the second hand market. Hence why searches of Derrick May and Transmat Records do bring up a decent number of results on eBay.
Items available there include a number of early vinyl pressings from the very beginning of May’s music career, albums which he’s either compiled or mixed over the years, or Transmat branded clothing. The rarer pieces of vinyl can sell for a few hundred pounds – which isn’t surprising with vinyl being all the rage these days. But the clothes don’t sell for as much – prices on the site typically vary from £10 up to £30 for a Transmat shirt.
Anyone, however, visiting the Lazada site in the Philippines might be bemused to discover this listing for a Tranat Records T-shirt…

So how much is ₱438.99, exactly? At the time of writing this article, this was the equivalent of £6.52, or $7.82 stateside. Delivery works out as 59p or 71c on top – which suggests they’re not exactly selling well for Lazada either. But why the misspelling of the name?
Ears To The House is pretty sure there aren’t concerns about infringement – because several other stores sell them. Lazada have been contacted for comment – but the misspelling seems strangely appropriate, given several Derrick May releases over the years have had credits spelled incorrectly.
Dërrick Mäy or Merrick Day, anyone?
Ears To The House is currently following – and reviewing – the Techno: A Social History documentary series on Radio 4. Part 2 will be reviewed on Wednesday – Part 1 was reviewed here.