A DJ almost did a Tommy Lee to promote a new release…

As far as a promotional strategy goes, Ears To The House remains to be convinced of this one – but here goes. On Thursday this week, Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe fame decided to share a photograph of himself on social media – showing us his truncheon. And we don’t mean the type police officers carry round.

We’re not putting the photo on this site – we’ve only just got Google Ads approved recently, for heaven’s sake – but it’s still out there if you know what to look. Now, no one’s quite sure why Lee let out his private parts for a photo – but it didn’t stop a DJ from apparently having to be talked out of utilising the same strategy a few days ago.

The source who told us about a DJ with less than enlightened views on women and abortion has been back in touch with one that wouldn’t be out of place in our Wednesday Whisper column. He tells us about an intoxicated middle-aged male DJ who had to be persuaded by his equally intoxicated mates that putting a photo of his pocket rocket on his social media would be unlikely to help with the sales and streams of his latest release.

But just to be on the safe side, his manager decided to quietly take his phone off him for the remainder of the evening. Whenever the DJ queried the whereabouts of his phone that night, everyone had to stick to the story that he’d left it at the hotel. The plan worked – and the contents of his underwear remain firmly offline as a result…


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