Derrick May has a biography – but guess what isn’t mentioned?

This site will frequently tell you what we think of people – but we also think it’s interesting to see how other people see themselves. Hence why things such as self-biographies can reveal much more about a person than they originally intended.

With this in mind, we noticed yesterday that Derrick May’s website recently came back online. Our first impressions were not kind – the website gives off the distinct vibe of no expense being spent on it. Whoever is responsible for designing it might wish to check the many WordPress templates already in existence for better ideas.

There’s also a biography written up. Now, Ears To The House cannot declare with certainty that Derrick May wrote it himself – our strong suspicious are that someone was given some verbal notes by May before writing it up. A likely candidate is long-time sycophant Michael Weston – who once tried to follow this site’s Twitter account in a pathetic attempt to intimidate us.

Anyway, the biography begins by telling us something truly incredible. It points out he’s alive – presumably trying to disspell nonexistent rumours May died in Detroit in 1978 and was replaced by a double. After that, it mentions he “helped to originate” the genre of techno – quite what the self-proclaimed originator Juan Atkins would make of this isn’t clear.

There is much talk in the profile about how May supposedly mentored a number of people through the Transmat label – Stacey Pullen, Carl Craig and James Pennington are cited. There’s also a bit about May deciding he wasn’t going to make music anymore. Unfortunately, the section which explains exactly why that is seems to have been left on the cutting room floor.

But the most mysterious thing is how the biography suddenly stops in the year 2016. This was when May released an album with Francesco Tristano – yet six years have now passed since then. Also, anyone reading this would be under the impression the orchestral shows, which began in 2015, are ongoing.

This is not so. The last one was in 2019, and these are now highly unlikely to resume – especially given it has since been revealed May wasn’t actually doing anything of note at the shows. And of course, no one will be the least bit surprised to discover the multiple allegations of sexual abuse made against Derrick May in 2020 aren’t included.

So what does this biography tell us about how May perceives himself? Quite simply, it confirms what we already know – namely that he’s mysteriously still as cocksure of himself as he has been in decades. It also suggests he thinks his audience either aren’t very bright or they just don’t care about the allegations made against him – much like he doesn’t care.

Oh, and one other piece of advice – get that link to the Transmat Agency. The link brings up a 404 error on Nyaera, the agency set up by Patricia Altisent after the allegations emerged. Heaven only knows why


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