Will Derrick May make his Halloween appearance? Now the promoter is having doubts…

Well, that didn’t take anywhere near as long as expected. Last night, Ears To The House wrote about how Derrick May had been booked for a “secret and private” gig in Portugal on Halloween night. It was so secret and private that not only did we know about it, but Michael James had also written about it the evening before!

It turns out the events organisers have had second thoughts over this, and have issued this somewhat confusing statement…

Hang on a minute. Has the lineup been changed because of “reasons beyond our knowledge” or for “reasons previously unknown to our project”? We’re prepared to accept that something has got lost in translation here somewhere – but what isn’t in doubt is what this statement doesn’t say.

And that is it doesn’t say anything about which change has been made. It doesn’t explicitly say that Derrick May has been removed from the lineup – although this is a trick we’ve seen more than once before. We suspect there’s shenanigans afoot here – we’ll get back to you if we find out more…


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