Amnesia Ibiza confirms Guy Gerber will appear at their opening party – but what about his ongoing legal difficulties?

Okay, we know the lawyers are going to be combing over this one. So let’s get one or two things nice and clear from the off. Ears To The House has absolutely no idea what the truth is regarding the allegations Mavi De Mars made against Guy Gerber – we make no assumptions and we have categorically reported Gerber’s denials in every article we’ve published on this.

Indeed, we gather Gerber is currently in the process of bringing defamation proceedings against De Mars – in short, she was asked to withdraw what she’d said and refused. Hence why Gerber has proceeded to the next stage – a stage which is going to prove expensive for both sides, almost regardless of how things play out.

Something which might well have been playing on Gerber’s mind when he made the decision to accept the gig to appear at Amnesia Ibiza’s opening party. A very reliable source in Ibiza with connections to Amnesia tells us the club is “perfectly comfortable” with the booking.

This, of course, is unlikely to satisfy Rebekah Teasdale, the leader behind the #ForTheMusic campaign against sexual harassment in dance music. She recently shared some food for thought via Instagram, declaring “Maybe it would be a good idea for Amnesia to wait and see the outcome of the defamation case before booking Guy Gerber… The safety of young clubbers at Amnesia should be of the most importance”.

Indeed, Amnesia Ibiza’s course of action seems unusual here. For example, when high-profile footballer Mason Greenwood was arrested in January 2022, his club Manchester United suspended him pending the matter being resolved. He was charged in October with attempted rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and controlling and coercive behaviour. All charges against him were dropped last month – but whether he’ll return to the club still remains an open question.

The optics of this really aren’t good, are they?

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