Louie Vega’s carbon footprint revealed as he completes 3 MILLION miles in the air with United Airlines – and that’s not all…

Here’s a story you aren’t going to see getting any coverage from the likes of Mixmag today – or any day. Because despite the fact it goes against many of their deeply held right-on beliefs, they also know they can’t run it – as it would mean having to criticise one of those DJs whom they pathetically cherish their access to.

You see, that’s what we enjoy about Ears To The House. We’re independent and proud of it – unlike the dance music press, we don’t rely on a network of PR people and other useful idiots to retain our position in the ecosystem. We don’t care if the people we write about like us – their validation is simply not something we’re looking for.

And in an industry which is run on generous dollops of validation from peers, it spooks them. Which is why we can report how Louie Vega boasted over the weekend about receiving a frequent flyer poster from America’s United Airlines – with Luis Ferdinand Vega now having flown a total of three million miles with the company.

As Vega himself points out, that’s the equivalent of going around the world at least 120 times. It’s the sort of statistic which would have Greta Thunberg spitting out her soya latte with fury – yet even the three million miles figure doesn’t demonstrate just how much mileage Vega has actually done.

Someone in the comments section tried to work out the carbon footprint of all those flights – and calculated it was in the region of 64,500,000lbs of C02. This figure does not include flights Vega has taken with other airlines – which probably add on at least another million, at a conservative estimate.

Nor does it include the emissions from Vega’s own vehicle – currently a Mercedes-Benz AMG GLE 63S. From what Ears To The House has been repeatedly told, he’s always had a taste for ridiculously expensive gas guzzling motors…


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