It’s International Women’s Day – but you wouldn’t know it from the silence of much of the scene…

The dance music scene is a terribly disjointed place, isn’t it? On the one hand, you have a media which goes out of its way to follow every left-wing trend imaginable – the idea that other perspectives on the world exist in anathema in a press filled with Annabel Ross types who describe themselves as being “on the woke left”.

But on the other, you have those at the top of the system – they occasionally pretend to hold the same views, but many of them are the antithesis of what dance music is meant to be about. Misogyny, homophobia, transphobia – you name it, many of those in the higher echelons of dance music hold these views. They’re just about clever enough not to disclose this in public, that’s all.

There’s also the bros mentality which has been deeply embedded in dance music culture for decades – and if anything, has gotten worse over recent years. This is why the scene has nothing to say about Guy Gerber, a man currently engaged in a defamation suit with someone who accused him of rape.

This is why the scene has nothing to say over Derrick May, a man accused of multiple allegations of sexual abuse – and who’s now laughably trying to get a “European Coming Back Tour” off the ground. And it’s why the scene has nothing to say over Erick Morillo, who faced a rape charge at the time of his mysterious death.

So if you have seen anyone of the bros paying homage to International Women’s Day today – and the Ears To The House team has seen a few – you can almost certainly take it as a given that they don’t really mean it. If they did, they would their elevated positions to speak out against wrongdoing, against hypocrisy, against the mistreatment of women, the mistreatment of minorities.

But they do none of those things. All they’re interested in is collecting their increasingly fat pay cheques whilst standing beside their fellow bros. And anyone who dares object can go whistle, as far as they’re concerned. Be in no doubt – the same people in the dance music scene parading themselves as being woke and right-on are the same ones who see no problem accepting gigs in countries like the human rights abusing Saudi Arabia.

We see you, and we know you can hear us – even if you’re choosing not to listen…


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