So, how has Ron Carroll responded since Ears To The House revealed he was accused of taking £4k from a UK promoter? Er, by pretending it isn’t happening…

Last Friday, Ears To The House went public with a story that has been circulating on social media for some months – yet has received no attention from the ever fainéant dance music press. It concerns allegations that Ron Carroll effectively stole £4000 from British promoter Karen Scargall – claims which he hasn’t commented on despite our requests.

We also revealed that Superfunk aren’t entirely happy with Carroll authorising new remixes by Jay Vegas of the 1999 hit song “Lucky Star”. His lack of a public response to this matter, given that lawyers are reported to be involved, is hardly surprising. But how has the 55-year old Ronald Michael Carroll of Chicago responded to the first accusation since?

Well, as we previously mentioned, he did not respond to our requests for comment ahead of publication last Friday – and we can also confirm no subsequent response has been received. If it were, we would publish it unedited and its entirety – Ears To The House believes strongly in offering the right of reply as much as realistically possible.

In the meantime, we’ve scoured Carroll’s social media for any hint of a response. And we’ve seen…. absolutely none. His strategy for dealing with this sorry episode doesn’t appear to involve anything such as facing up to the allegations, let alone confirming or denying them. Indeed, Carroll appeared to be too busy to acknowledge the allegations when we published last Friday – he was celebrating his birthday.

He also appears to be trying to sell tickets for a gig Lil Louis is doing on July 1st as well. Tickets to see the “founding father of house” – yes, there’s yet another claim to this dubious throne – are running low, apparently…

Carroll is, of course, not the first person from Chicago to be accused of taking money and doing a runner. In May 2021, Ears To The House reported on allegations – which the man himself admitted were true – that Terrence Parker had previously accepted payment for work that he subsequently failed to do. We contacted a number of people who were owed monies by Parker before publication – all of whom confirmed he failed to fulfill his own promise to pay his debts.

And there is, of course, the infamous Sterling Void. This man, let it not be forgotten, has been accused of forging the signature of vocal powerhouse Cleveland P Jones on a contract, accused of swindling numerous people out of the mysterious sum of $24 – and whose mother is even meant to have died at least twice.

Walking down the street with your Nikes on isn’t going to make this go away, Ron…


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