This evening, the European Coming Back Tour for Derrick May, an occasional 60-year-old DJ from Detroit, takes another very small step forward. The man himself is currently in Europe – Ears To The House understands he spent some time earlier this week catching up with a few friends on this side of the Atlantic.
At the time of writing, we’re unclear whether this apparent bout of socialising included heading over to Greece to congratulate on-off girlfriend Sofia Spin on the birth of her baby last weekend. We obviously wish Spin the best with her newborn, and there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to speak about this any further.
This evening, May will be performing at Future Scope in Croatia – although there remains some mystery over whether Mr Jeffery Eugene Mills will be joining him. Social media posts by Future Scope claimed on Monday that the two men would be appearing as advertised – but by yesterday, Mills’s name had mysteriously disappeared. We shall have to see…
A source in Detroit told Ears To The House yesterday that Mills is “secretly embarrassed” about the association between himself and May, saying “He’s had a few questions from his friends over why he agreed to work with someone who’s pretty much been cancelled by the industry. I guess the money has been of some comfort.”.
Slightly more questionable, however, is this curious instruction which appeared on the Future Scope Instagram page yesterday…

Casting aside the fact this is what happens when you just stick things into Google Translate without then double-checking the result’s accuracy, “leave your values and clothes at the wardrobe” sends out a truly terrible message here. Future Scope Croatia certainly left their integrity in the wardrobe when they decided to book Derrick May for this festival, that’s for sure.
But given the fact that Derrick May is accused of multiple allegations of sexual abuse from multiple sources? The instruction isn’t just bad English, it’s downright sick. It’s a PR disaster waiting to happen, isn’t it?
As one member of the Ears To The House team put it, “leave your respect for women at the coat check”. We couldn’t agree more…