As Sacha Lord threatens legal action against Britain’s Home Office, why DO politicians suddenly have a problem with drug testing after years of allowing it?

Politicians have always been a strange and mysterious bunch – but some of the current lot in charge of Britain take it to a whole new level. We can only assume it’s the effect of knowing you’re behind in the polls, have been for many months – knowing that you’re almost certainly going to lose the next election.

For the past few years now, the British Home Office allowed drug testing services to be run on a localised basis. So long as the local police force agreed to the practice with a venue, they didn’t get involved – which seems a mildly sensible policy.

It was inevitable, therefore, that the Home Office – who are responsible for legislating and enforcing drug policy in the UK – were going to put a stop to it at some stage. And they have – they’re now insisting that all drug testing must be licensed by themselves, in a process which can take three months and costs £3000 per application.

It’s a stupid idea – in contrast to Germany, who are introducing free drug testing in Berlin at the moment. Our view at Ears To The House is simple – we believe questions about legalisation are for scientists, politicians, and health officials to answer, but we also know people are going to take them regardless of legal status.

Unsurprisingly, it’s led to a threat of legal action – Sacha Lord and the Night Time Industries Association’s lawyers of choice JMW Solicitors have sent the Home Office a letter. They’ve got until Friday to respond – legal action commences if they haven’t done so.

With several Tory MPs having signed an open letter on the subject recently, it remains to be seen how this will go…


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