Who COULD she have in mind? Rattled Annabel Ross tells critics who suggest her writing is biased to advance her DJ career to “give me a f***ing break”…

One of the things that Ears To The House has learnt about journalists is that most of them are incredibly ratty and entitled. They intensely dislike the internet due to the fact it’s opened the world to outlets with different views than most of them have – they still believe they’re entitled to be the gatekeepers of information they were for many centuries.

Not all journalists are like this, of course – but most of the ones we’ve encountered are. And the so-called journalists who work in the dance music press are amongst the worst. They don’t like the fact you can bypass them entirely – not least because it’s bad for things like the Belleville Three myth, which they propped up for years.

One of the most overly sensitive to even the mildest criticism is dance music press doyenne Annabel Ross. Recently, she came under fire from Ears To The House and a number of others over her gushing, sycophantic review of Movement Detroit – where her request to interview Ash Lauryn was roundly snubbed.

It appears recent events have taken their toll. Taking to Instagram, she said this…

Who could she have in mind with that final ratty comment? We don’t know exactly, but we do hope she isn’t referring to us. Despite her blocking Ears To The House on social media recently, this is not a claim we have ever made.

But the question remains of why she’s apparently so irritated by this statement – to the point where she charmingly tells her “trolls” to “eat a d***”. The tactic of dismissing those who dish out criticism as “trolls” or “haters” is one utilised by many these days – indeed, it was used by Ross’s former nemesis Carl Craig when we wrote about him.

It also does nothing to dispel criticism when no response worthy of the name is forthcoming – but as we said earlier on, journalists are generally a pretty grumpy breed who are happy to dole out criticism yet cannot take it back. Here’s hoping the dance music press doyenne grows a thicker skin soon…

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