A period of reflection might be a good idea! Italy’s Claudio Caccini had his track taken down by Rowetta recently – so has he apologised or shown any remorse yet? Er, not exactly…

Earlier this month, Ears To The House reported a story straight out of Italy – producer Claudio Caccini had released a song that featured lyrics from a 1990 track by Rowetta of Happy Mondays fame. But there was one rather big problem: Rowetta claimed the sample wasn’t licenced and filed several takedown claims to have the song removed.

So what’s been happening since then? Well, Rowetta has got on with her life – indeed, we understand that one of her recent gigs was at a wedding, of all places. Friend Steve Mac – who was one half of 90s duo Rhythm Masters – was getting married at Brighton Town Hall, and she had agreed to sing at the ceremony.

But as for Caccini? He’s not exactly in a reflective mood, to put it politely. Taking to Facebook, he had a good rant on the subject – and here it is translated into some not entirely accurate English…

Caccini claims to be “a victim of a scam”, which involved “signing an agreement with the owner label”. He’s also adamant that Rowetta’s permission was not required to clear the sample, stating this was “against their contractual provisions signed 33 years ago”.

He even charmingly labels Rowetta as a “mythomaniac” – defined by the Collins Dictionary as a term used in psychiatry, meaning “the tendency to lie, exaggerate, or relate incredible imaginary adventures as if they had really happened, occurring in some psychiatric disorders”.

Ears To The House reached out to Caccini over the weekend to see whether he had any comment to make – and not for the first time, he didn’t respond…


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