You really haven’t thought this through, have you? John Summit might have to rebrand Off The Grid due to a trademark issue – and his response is to encourage a pile-on…

When you have a problem in life, there are usually one of two ways to approach the situation. The first is to resolve things quietly in the background, involving as few people as possible – keeping it simple, in other words. The second is to do things very loudly, and to hell with whoever gets annoyed in the process.

Resorting to the second is sometimes necessary – but this is usually because all reasonable attempts at the first have failed. Yesterday, John Summit might have been feeling this way – as he posted this. He claims he’s being “sued for trademark over my Off The Grid label name”…

So what’s going on here? Ears To The House has learnt that Summit – real name John Schuster – is referring to a company called True Entertainment. The California-based business runs a number of different events, including Off The Grid campouts – they’ve actually got one coming up in a few months.

Schuster claims that True Entertainment are essentially trying to extract money out of him – as evidence for this, he mentions a “demand” for “life changing money”. He also then, perhaps against the advice of his own lawyers, encourages his own followers to contact the firm in question – having initially refused to even name them.

But True Entertainment insist something quite different has happened. According to Mikey Made Cromie – who has worked on the Off The Grid campouts since 2015 – no lawsuit even currently exists. Instead, they say their solicitors have been trying to contact Schuster for over a year – and were consistently ignored…

This has the potential to get very messy…

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