We thought you hated the dance music press? Claude Young berated Resident Advisor after they asked him for a comment – but he was happy to speak to rival Mixmag…

Back on Monday, Ears To The House ran a report concerning a news story that developed over the weekend – Detroit’s Claude Young had announced that he was leaving DJing entirely. In his announcement and subsequent responses to his Instagram followers, he dismissed what he called the “inauthentic” and “minstrelsy” culture of the DJ world.

In a post later on, he angrily condemned Resident Advisor’s report on his retirement, accusing them of “lying about s***”, and telling the world that “I f***ing hate the dance music press.”. But an unexpected turn of events has left us looking again at Young – whilst also being forced into the mysterious position of defending the beleaguered Resident Advisor.

Allow us to explain. On Tuesday, Young managed to get over his apparent visceral hatred for the dance music press long enough to speak to rival publication Mixmag. He told them that “I just don’t have the passion to be involved anymore on that level. It’s a joyous occasion. I had a good run, and this has already opened a few doors for me.”.

Heaven only knows what Young means when he says it’s “opened a few doors” for him – but one thing which is certain is he didn’t always harbour a dislike for Resident Advisor. A quick search online reveals that he did an extensive interview with them back in 2011.

A source inside the dance music press dismissed any rumours that Young rebuffed Resident Advisor because he’d already agreed to talk to Mixmag – simply saying “The dance press are an underhanded lot, but even they aren’t that underhanded.”. Ouch…


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