The following might come as something of a surprise to even our own readers, but Ears To The House wishes no harm upon Resident Advisor. Our main gripe with the organisation is that they could be a force for good within dance music, using their position to shine a light on the good and bad – but that they, quite simply, usually choose not to.
We had high hopes when Whitney Wei was hired as editor-in-chief two years ago – indeed, we wished her well in the role. She had a good record from her time at Electronic Beats – yet time and time again, we find ourselves asking just what on earth the editor does all day.
So let’s get this on the record once and for all – Ears To The House would love to see a prosperous Resident Advisor, holding the feet of those in dance music to the fire. We believe the result would be a much healthier scene than exists at present – but their position as a ticket selling website means they’ll always operate with their hands tied behind their backs.
However, it appears an astonishing event has occurred – Resident Advisor actually agree with us on something. Unfortunately, it’s only the bit about them being prosper prosperous – something which the next General Manager for North America will be, by the looks of this job advert…

Candidates have until around August 21st to get their applications in – the list of duties the successful applicant will have is pretty sizeable. Mind you, the pay on offer is certainly a step up from what’s available to the truly endless number of City Managers on the payroll – with somewhere between $90,000 and $120,000 payable in salary.
A source within the dance music press tells us that “More money may be available for the right candidate” – suggesting this might be an even bigger money spinner than this job advert implies. Quite what writers such as dance music press doyenne Annabel Ross make of this, when they’re typically paid around $250 per article, is anyone’s guess.
These grandiose wages, however, reveal something much more interesting – Resident Advisor’s bad days where they were on the verge of going bankrupt are long gone. Interestingly, they’re due to file their accounts with Companies House in the UK in the next few weeks – we might soon finally get a glimpse of the true picture…