You’d almost think they said it on purpose, wouldn’t you? Traxsource use their social media to tell people to spend less time on social media – and argument quickly ensued on social media…

Social media is one of those things that’s been around for longer than people think. Contrary to popular belief, it did not just suddenly sprout up when Mark Zuckerberg decided to open FaceMash in 2003 – a website dedicated to rating just how attractive Harvard University’s students were.

No, one of the earliest examples was Six Degrees, launched in 1997. Several of the features on today’s social media were available – such as creating a profile page and being able to send out private messages – but the site collapsed in December 2000, just one year after being sold for $125million.

Today, of course, social media is one of these people both love and hate. Many especially hate the fact a lot of what they see on the socials is basically rubbish, and that they spend so much time sifting through said rubbish – but they also keep coming back in the hope of finding something good.

Perhaps this is what Sheldon Prince, the A&R director at Traxsource had in mind when he said this…

Inevitably, the comment thread underneath filled up with people disputing what was being said – apparently failing to see the irony that they were spending time on social media to complain about a post saying they shouldn’t spend so much time on social media. Many even got personal responses from Brian Tappert – the man who owns and runs Traxsource along with Marc Pomeroy.

Now, let’s get this clear – Ears To The House doesn’t think for one moment that Traxsource had any suspect kind of motive for posting this. We believe the sentiment behind it was genuine, and suspect it touched a raw nerve for some of those responding – even if they’d never admit it.

Indeed, we occasionally have to reach out to artists and companies ahead of publishing certain stories – and Traxsource has always been one of the more forthright and friendly respondents. But after this display, we think Sheldon Prince deserves a promotion to running their social media operation.

The post has more engagement than anything else in a while – only their post about the Kathy Brown fundraiser comes close…


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