Dance music’s habit of creating odd bedfellows continues – as Peggy Gou announces her new single “I Believe In Love Again”, featuring none other than Lenny Kraviz…

Historically speaking, most artists haven’t been able to work with one another – and it’s not even their massive egos that are to blame. Often, it was factors like being signed to opposing record labels or simply not being able to find the time to do these things that was responsible.

But nowadays, in this cross-pollinated age, there are far fewer obstacles to collaborative efforts – and the stranger, the better. Infact, Ears To The House strongly suspects that the music industry has cottoned onto this – mostly because the more eyebrows are raised by a partnership, the more publicity it will inevitably generate.

And this is one instance where the bedfellows lumped together make even less sense than usual – because it’s none other than Peggy Gou and Lenny Kravitz. They’ve done a single together, called “I Believe In Love Again” – and it’s honestly one of the most soppy, toe-curling things we’ve come across in a long while…

Their joint project – which is about a million miles away from anything that either is known for – is out today through all the usual outlets. We’re already wincing in discomfort at the preview above, and expect this to increase notably when we finally hear the full version in all its glory.

So how on earth did this project even come about? It’s something of a mystery – neither Gou or Kravitz have revealed any details as to how their collaboration came about. All that we had to go on was a photo that Gou posted on Instagram back in March of the two in the studio together.

Ears To The House understands that the two had wanted to work together for quite some time – but how they even met remains shrouded in secrecy. Perhaps Gou – who is notoriously selective with how much information she makes public – will soon elaborate.

In the meantime, we’re off to be sick again…


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