Homer Simpson singing Born Slippy? Sounds absurd – but thanks to AI, the legendary Simpsons character can now “perform” Underworld’s 90s hit track…

As it’s been a bit of a heavy week of content so far at Ears To The House – we can only report what’s happening, you know – we thought we’d have a look at something a bit lighter this Wednesday evening. This story is about the remarkable things that AI technology can do, and Homer Simpson from long-running TV show The Simpsons.

Only yesterday, we ran an article reporting on the findings of a survey by Pirate Studios – confirming that 52% of their artists who use AI in their music production wouldn’t be prepared to publicly admit to doing so. Most said the reason they’d withhold the information is the fear of a possible backlash from fans.

Well, it’s astonishing just how powerful AI technology has got over the last few years – and we don’t think any of us fully grasp this fact yet. In the meantime, this video has been circulating on TikTok and other social media sites over the past few days.

It shows some truly dreadful animation – but that isn’t the focus here. Rather, it’s the fact that Homer Simpson appears to be singing the nonsense lyrics that make up “Born Slippy”, the 1996 smash hit by Underworld. See what you think…

As ever, you can decide…


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