Looking for some Omar S to play this weekend? Good luck with that goal – as record stores everywhere start taking his stuff off sale (and the financial hit to go with it!)

As yet another Friday dawns – unless you’re reading this in Australia, of course – DJs everywhere will be pondering the answers to many questions. What time is my set this weekend? Will anyone actually turn up to see me play? And is my phone charged up to get lots of videos for the socials?

But somewhere amidst all that is a more practical matter – namely, what tracks are they going to play? Whilst this isn’t as pressing as it was in the vinyl days – in which you only had what you could either carry or borrow – it’s still something to give some thought to. So a good starting point might be the download stores to see what’s doing the rounds.

Those who are more traditional in their approach might even head down to their record store – but anyone looking for some Omar S to play in their sets this weekend is going to be left scrambling for an alternative. Record stores – such as Detroit’s own Spot Lite – announced earlier this week that they would be taking his vinyl off sale…

Ears To The House has been told by a reliable Detroit source that Spot Lite are taking a financial hit over this – saying “It’s going to cost them some money to do this, but some things just don’t make good business. I don’t know what the plan is for the stock. It’s been boxed up and has already left the store. The backlash against him has been ferocious. Right now, Omar S is about as welcome in Detroit as an Israeli soldier at the Gaza Strip.”.

We’ve also been reliably told that Spot Lite also refuses to sell music by Derrick May – although in fairness, this is probably easier to do as he hasn’t released any in years. Regular readers will no doubt already know why – in 2020, May was hit by multiple allegations of sexual abuse that’s he’s never quite denied.

Is a new generation starting to make their voice heard in Detroit? By the looks of it, change is in the air – no wonder one person is thinking of leaving

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