So who is to blame for the recent state of disharmony in Detroit’s dance music scene? One person holds Michael James firmly accountable – and no prizes for guessing who!

The Detroit house and techno scene hasn’t exactly been a peaceful place of late. Instead of focusing on music – something which the Motor City continues to do very well – everyone’s been concentrating on other things going on. And two particular events are at the heart of the current discordance.

One is the scuffle involving Alexander Omar Smith and Morgan Hutson – singer Supercoolwicked’s real name – just over two weeks ago. He says she started it, and she says he did – police in the city are currently investigating the case. The other is the fallout regarding Derrick May’s now-deleted appearance on PBS – with a second unaired show now likely to be consigned to a digital dustbin.

An understandable question in these invidious circumstances, therefore, might be – who is ultimately to blame? Well, one man certainly has an opinion on the subject – and amusingly, it’s none other than the occasional 60-year-old DJ from Detroit called Derrick May, who’s been busy this week telling his friends exactly what he thinks on this question.

Unsurprisingly, May takes no responsibility whatsoever for what’s happened, with one of our regular Detroit sources describing him as “being in a total state of denial. He thinks PBS shouldn’t have caved into complaints about him, pointing out they didn’t have any issue with him at any point before Michael James came out with the story. He says the issue is with Michael James and that he’s to blame.”.

Another source goes even further, saying, “Derrick’s gone full bats***. He seriously thinks Michael James is to blame for what happened at Paramita a few weeks ago. He blames Michael for causing ‘a bad atmosphere’ and ‘encouraging hostility’. Derrick really needs more things to do.”.

Only in the weird world of Derrick May is it the fault of the people pointing out the problems rather than causing them…


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