Carl Craig jumps on the dinner and dance bandwagon…

The dance music world appears to have finally cottoned onto the fact that not everyone wants to spend an evening dancing in a club and then be forced to eat a greasy kebab afterwards in the early hours of the morning. Some people would prefer a little more sophistication in their night out.

Hence why this year, a more literal interpretation of the phrase dinner dance appears to be a growing phenomenon. Ears To The House has previously reported on how Tony Humphries and Louie Vega are just two of those booked recently for events which consisted of some posh food before they got to dance to a DJ set.

And guess who the latest to jump on this bandwagon? Step forward, the Annabel Ross banning Carl Craig…

Will Carl Craig cook up a stormer of a set or will it be flatter than a failed soufflé? It remains to be seen – but the menu consists of things such as a €27 veal burger served with French fries, lamb with vegetables and sweet potatoes at a mere €35 per person, or a €41 entrecôte – a steak, in other words.

Desserts consist of, amongst other things, mango-ginger panna cotta with a curry crumble – a fascinating proposition here at HQ. And options for finally washing down all that scrumptious food include cocktails such as white rum daiquiris, Moscow mules and the sugary sounding Mango Collins.

Opinion on this dinner dance trend is mixed here at Ears To The House – some of us can think of little worse than trying to dance with stomachs groaning under the weight of lots of food. But the fact these events keep popping up suggests there’s obviously an appetite for this…

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