Derrick May’s latest gig? A festival in Rome – on a Tuesday night…

The campaign by the likes of Carl Craig to resuscitate the moribund career of Derrick May isn’t going terribly well. Even the involvement of Carl’s wife and manager Hagi – impudently described by one Detroit source as “the brain cell behind Carl Craig” – hasn’t helped turn things around.

Not that you’d know this by looking at the Detroit Premiere Artists website, of course – May’s name is nowhere to be seen. His fee, as confirmed by Hagi Craig herself, is $10,000 plus extras. Ears To The House sources in Detroit tell us that his most recent gigs have typically not earned him anywhere near this much.

Anyway, May’s DJing schedule – previously filled with at least 150 gigs per year, at a conservative estimate – is now down to a trickle, following sexual abuse allegations made against him two years ago. Recently, he did a show in Georgia and tomorrow night, he’s due to appear at the Undermoon Festival in Rome…

May seems to have a few supporters in this part of Europe, who appear determined to back him no matter what. But his appearance at a festival on a Tuesday night was something the Detroit source who sent us this story found highly amusing.

They said “The Derrick May I knew back in the nineties wouldn’t have done s*** like this on a Tuesday. If the money on the table was huge, he might have thought about it, but otherwise no way. If you were trying to find him on Tuesdays, he was usually at his office, on the phone calling someone a ‘mother****er’. Pretty much the only people who could get him to DJ on Tuesday back then were in Japan – times have changed, haven’t they?”.

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