How people conduct themselves on their own social media pages is a matter for each individual to decide. So long as what you’re doing isn’t illegal or constitutes bullying or harassment, Ears To The House broadly thinks people can post what they wish.
However, we also believe that people have a right to respond to that conduct. Some of those responses might be fair and raise a valid point. And other responses are so ridiculous that you wonder what the point of it is – and the story below very much fits in this category.
Nastia, the Ukrainian DJ, is very forthright on her social media pages about what Russia is doing in her homeland. If you haven’t been following this, the gist of it is Nastia – real name Anastasia Topolskaia – hates Russian leader Vladimir Putin over what he’s doing to her country, and she frequently shares stories about the horrors being committed in the name of a ridiculous “special military operation” to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.
Most of her followers are used to this by now – but occasionally, someone just doesn’t get it. Hence why over the weekend, someone sent her this message…

This is a very strange statement, isn’t it? Nastia posting a little bit about what’s going on in her life, where the war in her home country is never far away from her mind, is somehow “bothering people”. We wonder if this person gets upset whenever multi-millionaire DJs are posting pictures of themselves in private jets – do they think this “bothers” the people who see them?
Or whenever a female DJ decides to wear something showing lots of cleavage – will they think people are going to get “bothered” by it? Well, Nastia called them out – and pretty much told anyone who didn’t like the way she used her social media pages to get lost…
At the time of publishing, Ears To The House notes that Nastia still has 555,000 followers on Instagram. There must be a lot of people out there who clearly do approve of her socials…