Cycling 75 miles in 30 degree heat at 59 years old – Adonis indeed!

We are many things at Ears To The House – but one of those things we probably should devote a little more time too is keeping fit and healthy. Now, we’re typically not ones to comment on people’s appearance on this site – we don’t see much point, frankly – but we’re making an exception on this Sunday afternoon.

Because when we were looking on Twitter yesterday afternoon, we came across the always interesting tweets of Adonis Smith. He’s professionally known simply as Adonis and contributed several records to the early days of house music, such as “We’re Rocking Down The House” and “Lack Of Love” – although we should point out he does still release new music occasionally.

On Friday, he was out on the streets of his native Chicago. According to his tweet, he rode over 75 miles that day – and given his penchant for cycling is well known in the Chicago house music world, we can well believe it…

Let’s try and emphasise how good this is. This man is 59 years old – and was riding at least 75 miles on a day where temperatures in Chicago peaked at around 30°C. Even night-time temperatures in the city currently don’t fall much below 24°C.

Put it this way – we’re all hoping we look half as good as Smith does when we’re nearing 60…

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