Danny Tenaglia is the latest to join dinner dance craze bandwagon

Last week, Ears To The House reported on the latest DJ to jump on the latest bandwagon in the world of dance music – having your dinner and then having a dance. Tony Humphries, Louie Vega and Carl Craig are just some of the recent names to provide the after-dinner entertainment for guests full of (hopefully) good food.

We ourselves remain to be convinced by this trend, although we also accept that this is as good a time as any to try new things. And by the looks of it, it’s a message which Danny Tenaglia – who must be at least 200 years old by now – is ready to respond to. But he’s taking it to new lengths.

Appearing at Sonic Jungle in New York on October 15th, he’s playing an extended set – and in addition to Colombian cuisine from a tie-up with a nearby restaurant, there’s something mentioned here too about a salt cave…

What the devil is a salt cave? We didn’t know, so we looked it up. Apparently, it’s a cave full of salt, and they’re used for halotherapy treatments. The exact effectiveness of such treatments are, it seems, a matter of debate – but we suspect it’ll be Tenaglia’s first time playing inside such a cave.

No doubt he’ll take that with a grain of something…


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