Danny Tenaglia to play Christmas Day gig

Some visitors to this site occasionally get the impression that we don’t like Danny Tenaglia. It’s an idea that baffles Ears To The House – and it’s one that’s simply untrue. We have a lot of respect for what he’s done over the years, but when he poses with a massive trunk in the background, we are still going to gently mock him for it.

Well, Tenaglia announced recently what he was going to do on Christmas night – the one thing the majority of DJs aren’t doing. Namely, their jobs. He’s going to appear at Hard & Soul on Brooklyn’s Meserole Street on December 25th – here’s the not entirely successful attempt to combine Christmas and clubbing in a poster…

Let’s get one thing clear here before the naysayers start jumping up and down with synthetic anger. We believe people should generally be free to do what they like – so long as it’s legal and isn’t negatively affecting other people, what individuals do is mostly their own concern. But we just can’t get our heads round the idea of clubbing on Christmas Day.

After spending a day drinking more alcohol than we should and eating far more than we should, we can’t honestly think of anything worse than going to a nightclub to dance with full bellies. Woe betide the prospect of being stuck next to someone who’s been scoffing Brussels sprouts by the bucketload – it’d be like spending an evening with the Farting DJ but on steroids.

Still, there must be an audience somewhere for this kind of thing – Tenaglia’s been doing it for years. We just wonder whether he plays any special edits of Christmas songs in keeping with the mood of the day…

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