Are we meant to be happy with this? Belgium’s Fuse nightclub allowed to reopen – but only for two years and with a LOT of restrictions…

Back on Tuesday, Ears To The House covered the story of techno nightclub Fuse, based in Belgium. At the time of writing, they were closed due to a complaint from a neighbour saying they were too noisy – with the authorities due to hear their case yesterday. What would they make of it?

Well, we now know – because Fuse have released a statement detailing what has happened. In short, they can reopen, but with restrictions. For instance, if the noise “issues” at the club remain unresolved, they’re obliged to find a new location within the next two years. And not only that, they’ve got to turn the noise down!

Ears To The House understands from two of our European sources that Fuse has already spent a sum “somewhere in the six-figure range” on sound insulation work over the years. And given this hasn’t prevented this complaint, this strongly suggests Fuse is unlikely to be staying in its current location beyond 2025.

As for the sound restrictions, the club has been ordered to reduce sound levels during its opening and closing hours down to even lower than the 95db previously mentioned. To give some context here, a noise level of 90db would be around the same as a tractor and 80db is similar to the noise emitted by a vacuum cleaner.

We’re not exactly thrilled here…

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