Paul Oakenfold denied allegations of sexual harassment a few weeks ago – but his statement on Instagram has been mysteriously deleted…

A few weeks ago, Ears To The House reported on some truly lurid allegations made against Paul Oakenfold. In a sexual harassment case being brought against him, it’s alleged that he repeatedly masturbated in front of a female employee – who was apparently threatened with the sack if she complained.

Oakenfold angrily denied the allegations, posting a statement denouncing the “baseless” claims as “an attempt to tarnish my reputation and extort money”. The case – brought by Blackstone Law APC – is ongoing, and we shall be making absolutely no comment on it.

But one thing which we’ve noticed is that Oakenfold’s statement is no longer available to read on Instagram or Facebook – although it remains on Twitter at the time of publication…

So why has this move been taken? From discussions with our legal sources, we’re led to believe this has most likely happened following advice from Oakenfold’s solicitors. Oakenfold – or whoever posted the statement on his behalf – forgot to switch the comments off on both Instagram and Facebook, whilst users on Twitter cannot respond directly to the tweet.

Based on some of the comments being made in those now-deleted posts – with some being openly derogatory of the alleged victim – this might have been a smart move…

Comments are unavailable on this story for legal reasons.

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