Resident Advisor continues recruiting City Managers on five-hour a week contracts – and there’s STILL no sign of the hiring spree coming to an end…

Ears To The House is sometimes asked just exactly what we have against Resident Advisor. To which our answer is nothing at all – if you cast aside the fact they sanctimoniously see themselves as being irreplaceable, or brush off the fact they’re a ticketing website that masquerades as an online dance music magazine.

Nonetheless, we’ve got to hand it to them – the pandemic was the best thing to ever happen to Resident Advisor. Not only did they get over £800,000 worth of bailout money out of it, but they’ve been on a much documented hiring spree over the past year. And it shows no sign at all of slowing down.

A quick look at music job site Doors Open – and no prizes for guessing who owns them – shows that they’re now hiring more mysterious City Managers in Germany’s Hamburg and São Paulo in Brazil. The terms of the vacancies are the same as always – five hours per week to submit listings to the site as well as ideas for news stories.

So what exactly is the grand plan here? One of our regular sources from the dance music press was dismissive, simply saying “There isn’t one. Grand visions are not something you’d ever expect at Resident Advisor. I think they just want these city managers to submit listings for paid events. The idea they’re just going to start accepting suggestions for news stories from upstarts is laughable.”.

The theory that they’re just glorified data entry clerks will soon be put to the test – Resident Advisor Limited’s accounts will be available on Companies House in October…

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