Spare a thought on this busy Monday for Kevin Maurice Saunderson – for it cannot be easy to be him at the moment. Indeed, things have got so bad of late that his own mother, no less, has been wheeled out to defend him on social media.
In addition to this rather extreme case of helicopter parenting, he’s now been appointed the official spokesperson for the Belleville Three – with previous spokesman Derrick May no longer able to do the job due to suddenly forgetting how to speak. Unfortunately, there’s been one snag in the plan – he’s absolutely terrible at it.
Perhaps it’s just as well, then, that the permanently surprised Kevin Saunderson – known as such amongst the Ears To The House team due to always looking slightly astounded in every picture he takes of himself – has been concentrating on what he’s actually good at. Over the weekend, he travelled to a mysterious destination called “Europ” to do a show with Inner City…

It transpires Saunderson was heading to Paradise City, a three-day Belgian festival that concluded yesterday. He was flying with Delta Airlines – the airline of choice for many in the Detroit techno world. Just ask Saunderson’s friend Derrick May.
Back in April, we reported on how May had got his first award in quite a few years – and all because he’s flown five million miles with Delta Airlines over his long career. So, is it possible that Saunderson is jealous of his friend and wants one for himself?
A regular Detroit source told us “The other way round is more likely. I’ve been to Kevin’s house in the past, and I’m pretty sure I can recall seeing one of those Delta plaques. I just can’t remember exactly what was on it, but Kevin has flown a lot in his career.”.
This revelation comes at no surprise to Ears To The House – although Saunderson’s face might suggest otherwise…