Electric Zoo cancelled their first day because they couldn’t get their stage up in time, and from there, it just got steadily worse – so why couldn’t they perform this year? A lawsuit might provide some clues…

Difficulties in getting and maintaining erections are something that many men have to deal with at some point in life. Whilst the occasional failure to rise to the occasion is normal, those who regularly encounter such issues are advised to go and see their doctor.

The problem, however, is seen less regularly on the festival circuit – most of whom have an always impeccable record in erecting their stages on time to put on a show for their adoring crowds. Unfortunately, however, Electric Zoo suffered a malfunction over the summer – in a nutshell, they quite simply couldn’t get it up in time for the first day.

Embarrassingly, this meant having to cancel day one of their festivities – and even once they’d successfully completed the erection of their stage, the troubles just seemed to persist. The second day began two hours late, and the event reached capacity before 6.30pm on the final day – with reports claiming that security had to deal with people trying to get into the festival anyway.

Even after the festival ended, the farce didn’t end there. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, Electric Zoo posted a link for people to claim their lost property – ironically enough, that link didn’t work properly at first, either. And now, the organisers have been hit by a class action from two disgruntled attendees.

So what on earth went wrong? Unsurprisingly, this is one question that Electric Zoo and owners Avant Gardner are reluctant to speak about in much detail – Ears To The House understands that this is at least partially because of legal advice.

However, the class action does make a number of allegations – including questions about potential under-staffing and accusations that people were left languishing in queues for hours in a heatwave.

Expect this one to run and run…

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