In the year 2023, what’s the best way to make sure someone actually reads what you send them? Certainly not social media – whether they see it or not depends entirely on a mysterious, ever-changing algorithm. Messages on Facebook or WhatsApp can easily be missed, so what are you meant to do?
The answer, it turns out, is surprisingly simple and surprisingly old. Get a piece of paper and write out what you want to say in a good old-fashioned letter. And if you want to make absolutely sure the recipient doesn’t accidentally put it in the bin, you deliver it to them in person.
Bizarrely, it also turns out to be the best way to get the attention of a DJ nowadays, as Russia’s very own Nina Kraviz demonstrated recently…
So what did the letter itself actually say? Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology – well, the ability to flip pictures round – Ears To The House is in a position where we can tell you exactly what was in it. In short, it’s quite a touching story.
We have reproduced the letter below in its entirety – indeed, the only change we’ve made is to remove the name of the person who wrote it. It comes from a 21-year-old Italian male who writes that he felt “dead on the inside” earlier in life. The exact reason is unclear, as Kraviz’s hand obscures our view.
The letter writer goes on to say how Kraviz’s music has helped him through a difficult time in his life – he refers to it as “depression” at one stage – and asks if Kraviz can send him something for his birthday on November 18th that she has signed personally.

Whether he gets his birthday wish – which is just under two weeks away – remains to be seen…