What contribution to DJs make to the economy? It’s always been a difficult question to answer – and can be looked at from a few different angles. For example, they’re helping encourage people to go out and spend their money on the night time economy – but all those cash-in-hand payments made historically used to cause a lot of problems for the tax authorities.
Occasionally, in the past, some of the big name DJs in Britain would face a probe by government officials to see whether they were paying the right amount of tax. It wasn’t unheard of for the authorities to collate information on what gigs they were doing from print magazines – seeing whether they could spot any attempts to evade what they believed was due.
Nowadays, this is less of a problem – the DJ world has had to become more professional, and those pay structures have become more formal whilst at it. Indeed, there are numerous higher echelon DJs out there who actually employ a lot of people – for example, deadmau5 revealed in 2020 that he had at least 27 employees on the payroll.
So how do you end up getting a job working for a DJ? Well, they aren’t easy to come by – infact, the whole thing is a bit of an old boy network. It’s often a lot about who you know rather than what you know. Alternatively, you just keep an eye on their Instagram stories to be informed of vacancies – just ask Peggy Gou, who posted this…

This job advert is, sadly, a little vague on the details. Whilst we are informed that the ideal candidate must speak English and German, live in Berlin, have previous experience of being an assistant, and be prepared to travel, other details are omitted.
For example, what will the duties and roles of the successful candidate be? The absence of such details are presumably meant to eliminate the possibility of a person with no suitable experience from applying – but nonetheless, it’s a shame that this opportunity to showcase to the world what it’s like to be Peggy Gou’s assistant had been missed.
But Ears To The House suspects that some things aren’t on the list. This job vacancy was advertised online in 2018 for a DJ assistant who wanted a candidate to “help set up and break down equipment, assist the DJ in organizing the party” and to “assist with DJing” – yeah, we’re fairly sure this isn’t what Gou has in mind…