Pay $200 less to be ignored than before, part two! Pete Tong’s DJ Academy, with its “visibility opportunities”, is offering places for $279 a time – but only until Christmas Day…

Just what on earth do you get the budding DJ in your life for Christmas nowadays? Sure, you could stick to more standard offerings at this time of year – things like boxes of chocolates, biscuit selections, or alcohol are often well-received, not least here at Ears To The House.

However, there are other things that should be considered in this scenario. Such as giving Pete Tong something to be cheerful about when he tucks into his turkey and sprouts tomorrow. And never mind whether someone will think of the children, won’t anyone spare a thought for Carl Cox as he pulls his cracker before wolfing down some festive pudding.

Once you’ve considered that, consider this – Pete Tong’s money spinner DJ Academy is offering $200 off the price of a one-off subscription payment right now, but only until the end of Christmas Day itself…

Now, some of the more eagle-eyed of you might be experiencing a touch of deja vu after reading this – and guess what? You’d be right – Tongy’s DJ school ran exactly the same offer just a few weeks ago.

The barefaced hypocrisy being practised by the likes of Pete Tong – who gets paid at least five figures for a show – expecting academy students to play for exposure and little else with “visibility opportunities” lives on…


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