There are some things in the dance music world that just wouldn’t make sense anywhere else. For example, parents sending in their children to school know that there are only going to be so...
As 2024 continues into its second week, the biggest set of changes since the last ones are taking place at Resident Advisor. Over the weekend, Whitney Wei confirmed dance music’s worst secret for weeks...
Toxic positivity is one of those things that’s always been in ample supply in the dance music world – and this is why so much of what has happened over the years has gone...
Welcome to the very first instalment of DJs Playing Badly for 2024 – our column where, each Sunday, we take a look at DJs who have committed some kind of fail. Perhaps a totally...
For Detroit’s most occasional DJ, 2023 was a year where, as one of our sources previously put it, “everything he touched turned to s**t”. So it seemed strangely appropriate that Derrick May’s December was...
You know things are getting desperate when the establishment media start asking the big questions. And no, we’re not talking about the dance music press – if the questions aren’t about drugs or about...
It doesn’t take much to upset Richard West, the man who calls himself Mr C. The man himself has managed to sustain a career in dance music since its early days – an impressive...
Anyone who spends some time exploring history will soon encounter the phenomenon of people discovering a new use for something that’s been around for quite a while. Often, the original company or persons involved...
Since the beginning of the year, Defected has done something rather unusual – it’s gone quiet. Regular Ears To The House readers might have noticed that the label appears to have deleted everything on...
If there’s one thing that dance music has continued to cling onto like a bad smell over the years, it’s mythology. Because there’s nothing quite like historical stories that you suspect are mostly untrue...
Welcome back to another edition of the Wednesday Whisper – all freshened up after a week off for the Christmas break. Each Wednesday, our midweek column talks about a rumour or story circulating in...
Many don’t like to face up to this fact, but dance music has been around now for a long time – with the first house tracks being released almost four decades ago. Infact, one...
It’s safe to say that David Guetta is one of those names that has a Marmite effect on people. They typically either think he’s the best thing to come out of dance music in...
Today is the first regular day of 2024 for most of the UK – with the exception of Scotland, who get another bank holiday to enjoy. It’s the day when many in the dance...