Robert Owens shows us more than ever on his new album – literally…

Now here’s a story we never anticipated we’d end up writing up – but Ears To The House has learnt to occasionally expect the unexpected. Fresh from his recent success in a joint legal action with Larry Heard against Trax Records – where both men were given back the mastering and publishing rights to numerous early releases – Robert Owens has decided to celebrate.

How? By releasing a new 17-track album. This isn’t exactly a first for Owens – Discogs listings claim he’s released six albums before, with “Rhythms In Me” being the first in 1990 – but rest assured we’re not complaining about the prospect of another.

It’s available now exclusively at Beatport, and whilst we haven’t had a chance to listen to the whole album yet, we thoroughly approve so far. There aren’t enough recognisable voices in house music these days, so more material from Owens is always welcome – but the name of this album is more than a little interesting.

You see, it’s called Naked. And Robert Owens is literally that on the cover…

We’re a little bit torn on the subject of this cover. On the one hand, we admire the sheer chutzpah Owens has shown by being brave enough to pose for such a cover – and aside from it being quite tastefully done, we’ve got to concede he looks good for 61 years young.

On the other, we really, really hope other artists don’t get the same idea and strip off for their album covers. It’s on Beatport now, if you’re interested…

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