Introducing our new Here’s Three They Made Earlier playlist on the Ears To The House YouTube channel…

Our Monday night column Here’s One They Made Earlier was recently expanded for 2023 to become Here’s Three They Made Earlier. After all, why have one moment from dance music history covered each week when we could have three moments instead? But we decided that wasn’t quite enough – we wanted to go that little bit further.

So we’re pleased to announce the launch of our Here’s Three They Made Earlier playlist. It’ll be updated on the official Ears To The House channel over on YouTube every Monday night – or possibly early on Tuesday, if we’re feeling lazy – with the latest editions from the column. We’re also planning on creating another playlist full of archive editions of the series, and that should be ready soon.

In the meantime, you can check out the playlist as it stands below. Check back regularly for new bits from dance music history…

Here’s Three They Made Earlier continues on Monday night at 9pm UK time.

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