As Danny Tenaglia turns 62 today, Ears To The House celebrates the man – and let’s not forget his massive trunk!

Contrary to what some people might think, we’re mostly fans of Danny Tenaglia at Ears To The House. Yes, he might well have a reputation as being something of a diva – though he’s hardly unique in that regard – and his gushing tribute to alleged rapist Erick Morillo after his death remains a black mark on his name.

But we can’t all be perfect, after all. So today, we’ll raise our cups of coffee – hey, it is morning at the time of writing – and hold a toast for Mr Tenaglia, who turns 62 years young today. Naturally, we wish him a good day full of fun and good fortune. And it’s because we want him to have good fortune that we won’t remind him – of his massive trunk.

Yes, we’re talking about that massive, galloping trunk in the background of one of his videos promoting an event he was doing. Which, because we want him to have a good day with no diva-ish tantrums thrown, we won’t link to the original article here or publish once again below.

We also won’t remind everyone that he did two outstanding remixes of “Finally” by Kings of Tomorrow and Julie McKnight back in 2001 for Defected, yet has never appeared on the label since. Nor will we mention there was a plan later on for Defected to do a House Masters edition with Tenaglia – only for the project to fall apart for reasons which still aren’t entirely clear over a decade later.

Whilst we’re at it, we also won’t remind him of his “great memories” with Erick Morillo in a tribute posted after his death – just weeks after Morillo was charged with rape. Tenaglia also commented on his “infectious smile” and called him “my brother”. We also won’t remind Tenaglia that he’s very much a fully paid-up member of the dance music bros club, as evidenced there.

Anyway, that’s enough about what we won’t be writing about Danny Tenaglia today. Let us concentrate on the positives of this situation – namely, that massive trunk once again. Which we won’t post again now either.

Happy birthday, Danny!

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