That’s a right pain in the arse! Mr C took to Facebook (where else?) to rant about his faulty toilet – and he can’t get it replaced because the company changed hands recently…

The mainstream dance music press would have you believe that the DJs and artists they write have something special going on about them. Here at Ears To The House, we’ll certainly agree that there are many talented people in this genre – but they breathe the same air as the rest of us, and need the toilet in the same manner as everyone else too.

This is something we were all reminded of today when we saw Mr C – otherwise known as Richard West of The Shamen fame – taking to Facebook to complain angrily about something. Those of us familiar with West already know that he holds no punches on his social media pages – so what persuaded him to grab his phone and start typing?

Perhaps it was the conflict in Israel and Palestine that has reared its latest ugly chapter once again? Maybe he had something to say about Britain’s Labour Party, who are currently holding their annual conference? Or could it be the rising price of salmon that was grinding his gears?

Not exactly. It was about his toilet…

So what’s going on here? Well, like a really clogged toilet, this one took a little while to clear up – but the gist of it is this.

Victoria Plum has been in some financial bother for a while, and was placed into administration on 29th September. Ernst & Young were placed in charge – and hours later, they sold the company to AHK Designs. It was sold in what are legally called pre-packaged deals – usually allowing new owners to take ownership of a troubled company whilst also getting to dispose of many of the old company’s obligations.

From a legal point of view, West bought his “faulty toilet” from Victoria Plum under the ownership of Endless LLP. Due to the administration process, that company is no longer trading – and the new company has no legal obligations whatsoever to customers who bought from the old one.

His only chance of a refund depends on how he paid. Assuming he spent between £100 and £30,000 on a credit card to buy his busted flush of a toilet, he can make a Section 75 claim – or a chargeback to his bank or building society if he bought it with a debit card. It’s a pretty crap situation to be in, all things considered.

We think DJs complaining about deliveries being faulty should be more of a thing…

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