That’s a bit more like it! After Defected get panned for measly $600 donation to Kathy Brown fundraiser, boss Wez Saunders stumps up $2000 of his own money- $500 more than his predecessor…

Yesterday, Ears To The House pressed the publish button on an article about a fundraiser aiming to raise $50,000 for house music’s very own Kathy Brown – currently recovering from major surgery and fighting Stage 4 cancer. We commented on the generosity of Simon Dunmore’s donation of $1500 – and said Defected’s own contribution of $600 looked unfavourable in comparison.

Barely an hour after our article appeared online, Defected’s very own post popped up on Instagram on the same subject. Sharing a photograph, along with her daughter’s statement on the fundraiser, the label urged everyone to… well, here’s the thing – they didn’t really urge anyone to do anything.

See for yourselves…

When writing up the article on Saturday, we took a look at the list of top donors – and noticed something quite staggering. Defected’s former boss and founder Simon Dunmore had contributed $1500 to the fundraiser – but the record label, which is now run by Wez Saunders, had only put $600 into the pot.

Yesterday’s post by Defected inadvertently made things worse. The second slide contains a statement that notes “The London-based record label ‘Revival’ that she has recently been working with have offered to match contributions up to $10,000” – whilst omitting to mention that all Defected was prepared to put on the table was $600 in paltry comparison.

So what was Wez Saunders doing amidst all this? Ears To The House understands that Saunders wasn’t at Defected’s Curtain Road HQ yesterday – but he did manage, on his day off, to make his own personal donation to the fund. $2000, no less.

Perhaps one way Defected could remedy this is to work with Brown herself. Ears To The House has been told she has a number of vocals that are available to buy. It wouldn’t take much effort for Defected to buy one, get some of their own producers to do something with it – then release it and give the money raised to this fundraiser.

Brown herself hasn’t appeared on Defected since Soul Central released their version of “Strings Of Life” – and that was 18 years ago. Might be worth considering…

Want to contribute to the fundraiser? It’s over on GoFundMe right now

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