London’s Ministry of Sound take Omar S off their lineup for Saturday’s It’s All Gone South – and a well-placed source confirms it’s all because of what happened last weekend..

Yesterday, Ears To The House took a little time to try and figure out what happened in Detroit between producers Omar S and Supercoolwicked at the Paramita Sound record shop and bar over the weekend. Supercoolwicked – real name Morgan Hutson – is adamant that he smashed a glass over her head in a dispute over alleged unpaid royalties.

Omar S – real name Alexander Omar Smith – strongly denies the claim, calling it a “pure and utter fabrication”. According to Smith, what really happened was Hutson assaulted him – and he included a photograph of a bump on his head, taken at the city’s Henry Ford Hospital.

Paramita Sound released a statement themselves yesterday, simply titled “We stand with Morgan” – announcing that they wouldn’t be working with Smith or his label FXHE again…

The events come at an already difficult time within the Detroit dance music scene – with Derrick May’s decision to do a now withdrawn show with PBS receiving a very mixed reaction. This latest development really couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Amid the fallout from Saturday night’s events, Ears To The House understands that Smith will no longer be appearing at London’s Ministry of Sound this coming weekend. He was due to appear alongside Jasper James and Didi Han at The Box for their It’s All Gone South night on November 11th – but the words “Omar S” were quietly scrubbed from Ministry’s website and their Resident Advisor listing yesterday…

No announcement was made confirming this news – and at the time of publication this morning, Ministry of Sound have yet to respond to the request for comment made by Ears To The House yesterday. However, a well-placed, reliable source of ours confirmed last night that Ministry were the ones who cancelled.

They simply said “I don’t know who made the final call on this, but Omar S was officially told yesterday afternoon not to bother coming. It’s left Ministry with a potential headache as to who to replace him with on Saturday, but with all this going on, the club felt they had no choice.”.

Smith’s next appearance on the European continent is currently at the Bridge Club in Paris on November 24th…

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